Monday 21 June 2010

The Longest 50 Minutes of My Life So Far

Location: my room
Weather: nice and sunny <3 Song: Alejandro - Lady GaGa Hi there guys! Welcome to day 3 of my blog and day 2 of my posts. Today I had my last but one exam, WOOHOO!!! *rejoices* It was Information Communication Technology Paper 1, which is basically all about computers and stuff. Bo-rring :D The worst part? It was a 1 and 1/2 hour exam and I finished with 50 minutes still to go. Those 50 minutes were the longest 50 minutes of my life so far. Seriously. I was so bored I started translating the questions into Welsh to pass the time, which isn't the easiest thing in the world to do, despite being a native Welsh speaker myself. It was soooooooo boring! I hate finishing exams really early like that, because you're not allowed to leave the exam hall so you have to sit there. Like a lemon. Doing nothing. So mind-numbing dullness, I got my iPod touch yesterday! Woohoo! I have 262 songs and about 33 albums on there. Music heaven! I love my iPod. If I could marry my iPod, I would.

Isn't it gorgeous? 3rd generation and everything. Aren't I lucky? XD

Saturday 19 June 2010

Knock Knock, Who's There?

Hello, and welcome to my humble abode in cyberspace! Congrats on finding your way in. So, where to begin? How about a little introduction, hmmmmm? Well, I'm Lorna. I'm sixteen years old and I'm from rainy North Wales. Where's that? I hear you cry in anguish! Look at a map of the United Kingdom. Now go west, to the left of England. Now go up a bit. And a bit more. See the blobby bit of land thats seperated from the rest of the country? That's ANGLESEY. That's where I live.

So I guess I'd better tell you lot a bit more about myself. I speak fluent English and Welsh, intermediate French and want to learn Dutch and Spanish. I'm a Harry Potter and Twilight nerd. Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream is, and forever will be, the best ice cream in the entire UNIVERSE!!!! I'm obsessed with Florence + The Machine and Paramore. I don't think Justin Bieber jokes are funny. I'm weird and random and crazy and totally whacked out at the best of times. I've had 13 fish in my lifetime, as well as a cat, 2 hamsters and a dog (who has been with us for 7 years now). My lifetime ambition is to travel all over Canada and America. Did I mention I loooooove Canada? No? Okay, well I LOOOOOVE CANADA! That country is the shiz. Believe me. BELIVE ME.

So yesterday I had two Christian missionaries come to the house. They weren't even Jehovahs this time. What is the protocol for these people? Smile in a friendly way, nod and hope they go away? Or come out point-blank and tell them you're a Satanist and you're not interested? Does anyone have any ideas on how to deal with this people? If you do, please tell me. I'm a teenage Wiccan and such people might try and burn me at the stake. Which, just so you know, would be very painful.
That was the most exciting thing that happened to me that day. I am not kidding.
Peace out!